Monday, 18 August 2008

Who's Bella Swan ??.

Bella is a usual girl from Phoenix. She’s seventeen.
Bella’s mother got married again, and Bella moved in her dad’s house.
Her dad’d live in Forks – very rainy place. In Forks Bella met Edward - a handsome vampire. She fell in love with him. Her smell is very inviting for vampires, especially for Edward – this is the biggest problem.

Kristen Steward is playing Bella in Twilight film.


Anonymous said...

Kristen is just fine for Bella ;)
Bella Swan isn't my favorite character in the book but i quite like her :D
Leave me a message on my blog if you'll write something new :)
You have my support :*
Bye ;]

Anonymous said...

Hej. Świetny blog. Jeśli zechciałabyś dołączyć do naszego forum o
Twilight, to napisz do mnie na meila : Zapraszamy wszystkich,
którzy są zafascynowani zmierzchem tak, jak my xD

Anonymous said...

Hey :) Mała prośba.. jeśli znajdziesz gdzieś w internecie opublikowane rozdziały [nie ważne czy po polsku czy po angielsku] Breaking Dawn, proszę, powiadom mnie o tym -->
zależy mi na tym, jakoże sama jestem fanką serii Twilight, a nie mam zbytnio czasu na szperanie po internecie.
Z góry dziękuję, pozdrawiam!


Anonymous said...

In the movie Bella is an importan character & I love Her so much.
She's very Charismatic & she 's falling Love with Edwaed Cullen ( very handsome man).
You should watch this movie!!
It's so fun !!
It's the new Romeo & Juliet !! <3